This thread starts on February 7th
Well as you can tell I didn’t have a chance to blog yesterday. I had no access to the internet. It was a good day but I didn’t have much time to myself to contemplate. I am one who needs time to contemplate. God and I didn’t have much time together, well coherent, conversational, time. I spent a significant amount of time on an ocean beach. I don’t know of a better gallery of God’s art than that. There is so much power displayed and such intricate life to be seen. It was windy, wet and cold (which is what happens at the beach) The sea gulls were all sitting on the ground which means they were expecting the weather to turn nasty… it did. All that made for an adventure.
Still, I missed my business meeting with God (pretty cool huh?) I’m thinking again of that passage in scripture that says, “in Him all things consist (or hold together) I like that word “consist”. Like, in Him, all things have their consistency. I think about the stuff, stuff is made of, atoms and molecules. It really is a bunch of nothing that somehow feels hard when you bang on it. That gives meat to the idea that God spoke a word and it came to be. But for me that quality time to converse with Him and listen is the stuff that gives me any consistency at all.
Yesterday’s report:
1) (business meeting with God) Yesterday not so much
2) (blog) nope
3) (Act of Random Kindness) nope
4) (Clean something) I did clean our camper
5) (Order something) and bring it to order several times
6) (Book) nope
7) (Family) lots of family time
8) (Me) I LOVE the ocean so yes definite me time
9) (Ministry) well yes working with family counts
10) (rest) lots of rest too :)
Yeah for you time!!